On 'Building Server-Side Web Language Processors'
I think this article misses mentioning exacly why running programs on the web is exciting: in theory any computer that can browse the web will be able to run the program without any platform-specific processing on our end, because the web is the platform. I think running programs in the terminal would require work on platform-specific distribution on the side of the programmer or a compilation step on the side of the user of the program (I guess it depends on the terminal). I think anyone who believes that the web will keep on growing as a computing platform would agree that it is a good idea to give CS students the chance to build projects for the web. I really like what the Hydra compiler project is aiming for: compiling into web assembly. I think that depending on wasm's broader success (or lack there of) it might turn out to represent a very actual project, because if wasm succeeds then I think that lots of other projects will want to target wasm also. In my view, the ultima...